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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
  Mmmm.... My new phone?

Ooh... Sexy! Looks sort of like a Blackberry, but, it actually runs a Microsoft OS... It's a smart phone w/ a 1.3 megapixel camera, email, internet, yada yada... Only $199 w/ a 3 year plan from Bell Mobility... I don't think I'm due a hardware upgrade for another couple of months, but when I'm due this will be one to evaluate for sure...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
  A Robot that can build a HOUSE!
Robo-builder threatens the brickie - Newspaper Edition - Times Online - Check this article out - how cool is this?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
  It's not just a rumor anymore - introducting the iPhone

Apple - iPhone - Internet - Based on (1) the hype that surrounded this for years now, and (2) spending 5 minutes checking out the web site, I have a sneaking suspicion that this will be another revolutionary device with as powerful of an impact as the iPod. If you're at all interested in technology, or have a mobile phone, ok, so that's everyone, then you should at least take 5 minutes and check out some of the really slick Flash demos available on the iPhone site and see how this interface works, OMFG is it ever slick...
Big wide screen, touch screen, Internet, E-Mail, iPod, Photos, etc, etc...
It just seems so freaking intuitive and just plain COOL... I think I want one! I'm afraid to ask how much it'll cost and I've only had my RAZR for a year... ;^)


Tuesday, January 02, 2007
  My Google Toolbar Button
Haha... Google is the absolute shiznit... I just whipped up my very own Custom Google Toolbar button... You don't believe me do you?

If you're not already running the Google Toolbar, then do it... Like NOW! It's awesome... And then, click here, to add my very own Toolbar button, you can link right to my blog and see the latest post titles in a drop down list, updated automatically for you... Hahaha... Yeah baby... Yeah!

Want to make your OWN Google Toolbar button... Seriously, if you're tech savvy, and you're not afraid of XML and sample code, you can whip it up in like 10 or 15 minutes tops...

Continue your education here grasshopper...
Monday, January 01, 2007
  P2P Soulseek - Oldie but Goodie!

I'm always being asked about how to download music, well here's another gem!

Soulseek -

This app has been around for quite some time, I originally downloaded and used it years ago, anyway, it's still around, flying under the radar, avoiding the type of publicity that got Napster and the like shutdown, but nonetheless providing a great platform for getting MP3s.

Why use this over another tool, what makes it different? Here's my opinion:

1) The tool seems to be quite popular in underground & euro circles, meaning you get a different range of music available than what you might find in Limewire for instance.

2) One feature which I really like is the 'Download Containing Folder' option, most times when I'm getting music, I want the whole album if possible, typically if it's a New album, I'll search for it on Mininova or The Pirate Bay and get it w/ a BitTorrent, but for older albums, and certainly less popular ones, BitTorrent isn't a great solution. This feature lets you grab the whole folder of songs, most times, this means you're getting the whole album (assuming the user has all of the songs from the album in the same folder.

3) There's a nice little built-in "Things I Like" Recommendations feature. You put in the names of bands that you like, and click Get Recommendations and you get a list of Recommended bands...

4) It's Free

5) It's not Adware/Spyware/etc.

6) It has some other features like Forums, etc, but I haven't really used those...

Anyhow, hopefully this will help you fill up that shiny new iPod you got for Christmas you greedy so-and-so!


Reviews of cool technology, useful utilities with a focus on Open Source and Free Software. Take advantage of John's years of experience and save yourself time, money and aggrevation by choosing the right tool for the job!

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I think a lot. Some people say I think too much... However, I don't want to be seen as being aloof or pretentious, it's just that I really enjoy philosophical questions and deep thoughts. That's not to say that I don't find pleasure in more down-to-earth or trivial things, like beer and soccer :) I'm happily married with 3 wonderful children. I'm a partner in a technology services company based in Toronto. Myers Briggs says I'm an ENTJ

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