Nokia n800 Internet Tablet Overview
This article will provide an overview of Nokia's n800 Internet Table device with my opinions based on several days of use.
First off, what is the Nokia n800?
I suppose you might call it a PDA, or a Pocket PC, basically it's a tiny computer that can fit in your pocket...
Features:HardwareSmall Form-Factor 75x144x13mm
800 x 480 Resolution Touchscreen
128MB Built-in Memory, SDRAM Support (providing up to 2x8GB (16GB) of Memory Expansion)
Built-in Wifi & Bluetooth Support
FM Receiver
SoftwareRuns Linux, Nokia's "OS2008"
Firefox-based Web Browser
Google Talk Internet Chat
Tons of Available Free Software
What can you do with the n800?
Basically it can do pretty much anything your PC can do...
You can surf the web, the browser works really well, it's quick, also has Flash support. I'd say 95%+ of the web sites I've visited have rendered and worked totally fine. I can play Scrabulous on Facebook! :)
I've also used Skype and it works great as well, both speakers and Microphone are built-in, or you can use the supplied earbud/microphone combo which is also included.
I've installed a eBook reader, so you can use it like a book.
You can listen to the radio, or if you prefer, podcasts...
Best part. This little beauty is only $229CDN right now at Tiger Think of it like a much more flexible and powerful iPod touch :)