Pipes - Easy way to make your OWN customized RSS Feeds
Pipes: Rewire the web - I've wanted to write this blog for an audience that isn't necessarily that Technical, but is interested in technology and wants to learn more, and find ways to use cool technology to improve how they use their
PC's, etc. This particular piece of tech is a little on the geeky side... If you've been keeping up, then you're now using Google Reader, or some o
ther RSS reader, if so, then you're ready to check out Pipes... I was a little daunted at first, but again, push yourself, dive in and try it out... Pipes is a tool that lets you aggregate and manipulate
RSS feeds, so you can basically customize or Mash Up the
RSS feeds that you're subscribed to, make them do what you want them to... Pipes offers a really slick flash interface, you drag and drop various programming objects, add parameters and define the flow of data. It's very cool, I'm just starting to play with it, but I'm sure I will start using it more and more to really tune all
your feeds so I'm getting exactly what I want into my reader, maximizing the
efficiency of my data consumption interface :)