Explore the Geek family of Blogs: Geek's Journal
This is a super cool little app - freeware, easy to install.
Once installed, it creates a 'GDrive', basically it's a interface that appears under 'My Computer' that links into your Google Mail account, letting you drag 'n drop files in there.
So you could install this at home, and at work and it's a super easy way to transfer files back & forth!
I think a lot. Some people say I think too much... However, I don't want to be seen as being aloof or pretentious, it's just that I really enjoy philosophical questions and deep thoughts. That's not to say that I don't find pleasure in more down-to-earth or trivial things, like beer and soccer :) I'm happily married with 3 wonderful children. I'm a partner in a technology services company based in Toronto. Myers Briggs says I'm an ENTJ